Where is He?

>> Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seek Him not in the confines of comfort.
Seek Him rather in sacrifice.

Seek Him not in an island of security.
Seek Him rather in the fray of battle.

Seek Him not in the seat of power.
Seek Him rather in the humblest dwelling.

Seek Him not in the well dressed people.
Seek Him rather in the tattered clothes of the street children.

Seek Him not in the grandest and elegant things.
Seek Him rather in the little things that are essential.

Seek Him not in an hour of personal gratification.
Seek Him rather in a moment of sharing.

Seek Him not only on the 25th of December.
Seek Him rather in the Christmas of every day.

Oh Lord, why is it so difficult to find You? Is it because I'm really not searching for you? Or am i searching in the wrong place and circumstances? Lead me Lord, Oh Lord!


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