Letting Go

>> Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm sure you've heard about this traveler who, while traveling one dark night, falls off a cliff. But on the way down, he is saved by a branch of a tree. Hanging until dusk, nobody hears his cry. With vanishing hope, he calls on God. And as expected, God hears him and tells him: "Let go of the branch."

The man replies, "But I want to live, Lord, help me!" The Lord answers: "Trust me, let go of the branch." But he was so afraid that he didn't let go. Though exhausted, he held on to the branch all night long. But when the morning sun begun to peek through the clouds, he looked down to see a most hilarious sight: he was only a foot away from the ground!

Just like in our lives today, we hold on to so many branches in our lives. Things that we value more than God. The branches of our dreams, our ambitions, our relationships. We hold on to these so much that we find it hard to trust God. Worse, some of our branches are sinful: materialistic, selfishness, greed, lust, etc.

Let go. You'll land on the Rock!

Lord, light up my mind to see the things in my life that kinder me from fully standing on You, Jesus. My firm foundation.


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