Failed Business Becomes New Business Opportunities

>> Saturday, December 6, 2008

Whether its for trivial (Lord, don't make it rain tonight, i have a date) or life-and-death matters ("Please heal my friend from cancer"), I lift everything to God.

So when I started my first business some time ago, I prayed for His blessing. At first, things were fine. But as the months progressed, the problems started coming in - and soon, I was forced to close my business.

I failed. But did I blame God for not blessing me?

I must admit, it was difficult, but i knew that even if He wasn't answering my prayers, I knew He was asking me to increase my faith.

And true enough, that failed business opened a new business opportunities for me. He was blessing me after all!

I have learned my lesson, and I wish to share it with you. Is God not answering your prayer? Increase your Faith!

Let Him handle it His way!

Yes, Lord,increase my faith. When my eye fail to see Your blessing, let my heart see it pouring down like a thunderstorm!


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