Humility or Pride?

>> Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Humility is a strange virtue, it is when we think we are humble that we are proud, and when we admit our pride that we are humble.

There was this guy who sought enlightenment from God about a truth of his faith. He fasted, he prayed, and he tried all he could to humble himself to become worthy of His grace. But nothing happened! So he fasted, prayed and humbled himself some more. Still nothing. Finally, after the third try he gave up and rose to visit a priest friend who might help him understand this truth of his faith.

At this point, an angel appeared in his dream to give him the enlightenment he sought. The angel told him that in his attempt to humble himself, his pride remained and he got no closer to God. But when he admitted his inadequacy and started to go to his priest friend to seek help, it was this act of humility that brought down God's grace.

This guy now learned that one aspect of humility is accepting that we need others - that we are not self-sufficient. More importantly, this act of seeking help from someone else is a reflection of our need for God. And that is what we can call, Humility.

Teach me the right kind of humility - where I can be very strong and yet so focused in loving You and others.


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